Abby's Fricase de Pollo |
It's the time that makes simple
Puerto Rican ingredients taste so complex, and the meat….oh, so tender. I suspect that in Puerto Rican culture,
enjoying the food takes almost as much time as preparing the food. If my mother-in-law's house is any indication,
there are hours spent ‘round the dining room table on every visit. Even when we're not eating, it's
the place where everyone gathers to chat, gossip, plan the day, or plan the next
The table is a comfortable place for us and one
that has clearly been part of my husband's upbringing. He, unlike most men I know, believes that the
couch is no place to have a meal (though he doesn't mind the TV being placed so
that he can see it from the dining table).
Fricase Just Before a Long Tomato Bath |
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